WPCargo – an open-source cargo tracking system

Visibility of the shipment, package or cargo is a key requirement during its transport. The interest in just-in-time, reliable delivery, cost-effective logistics, and maintaining the integrity of goods leads to the development of many cargo tracking systems. However, nearly all of these systems are commercial products which prices are relatively high for start-up or small companies. Furthermore, additional cost must be incurred when the software is to be customised to the needs of a company.

WPCargo is an interesting exception in this field. It is free open-source software with an option of paid premium add-ons. Although the free version lacks some important functionality, it still can be successfully applied for smaller companies which want to inform their clients about a transport process. The software works as a plugin of WordPress, therefore requires a PHP hosted webpage which is usually provided by most of web hosting services.

One of the big advantages of WPCargo software is an access to its code written in PHP. Thus, it gives unlimited possibilities for customisation and extension of the software. The licence allows users to create derivative works based on WPCargo, including amending of its source code or integrating it with other company systems. However, one must note that no distribution of the derivative works is allowed. Taking into account that the installation and configuration of WPCargo are quite simple, the system is an interesting option for an increasing visibility of a transport process without incurring high costs.

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